You are what you eat | John 6:35, 41-51

This Sunday we continue to read from John Chapter 6 and share Communion.

Reflecting on the controversial opening Olympics ceremony and the famous expression from John in this chapter: you are what you eat, we are remined of something incredible:

"Jesus says, 'Take this and eat it. This is my body, more broken, than even your brokenness. This is my blood, poured out to give you new life.'

And it’s bigger than just us, of course. In any place where justice is being withheld, where peace is being denied, where fear is being leveled, where death appears to be winning – Jesus would say, “Eat me.” And he would mean it." Mark Havel

The Challenge here is to ask what are you consuming? To understand that what you consume becomes who you are, and the invitation for what you consume to be Jesus.

John 6:35, 41-51

Mark Havel Sermon: "Eat Me" - John 6:51-58





Abide in Me | John 6:56-69


I am the bread of life | John 6:24-35